May 1st also known as May Day in America is one of the Cross Quarter Sabbats or celebrations on the Wheel of the Year. It is referred to as Beltane or Walpurgis traditionally and represents the midway point between the Spring Equinox(Ostara) and the Summer Solstice (Litha).
This beautiful fire festival and celebration is about welcoming the sun and flowers in bloom as we approach Summer’s full bloom. Our ancestors observed Beltane in a variety of ways that appeared to be closely related to nature.
Continue reading to find out more about the historic fire festival and how to observe Beltane. This is an important anchoring midpoint in the year that helps us with our Stellar Planning and to really tune into the energy as we continue to awaken with growth and life in the Northern Hemisphere.
All About BELTANE 🔥🌸
Beltane celebrations are held to honor the midpoint between spring and summer (May 1), which marks the planting season and is seen as a time of maximum fertility. Between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, we are now halfway there.
At Beltane, a handfasting, or marriage ceremony, is performed in honor of the God and Goddess of Spring. According to the legend, the couple remained apart during the winter and were reunited in the spring. Today, we commemorate their reunion during Beltane with food, drink, and maypoles of various colors, which stand for the female energies encircling the male form.
There is a definite change in the energy of the Earth now that Spring has officially arrived as opposed to when the season first began. There is proof that the Wheel of the Year has changed all around us.
The sun sets significantly later than it did at the Spring Equinox, making the days appear to be noticeably longer. Outside, it's become noticeably warmer. New life was just starting to sprout at the Spring Equinox, but as May begins, it is clear that the Earth has been propelled from its hesitant new beginning into full awakening.
If you are looking to increase the soft and feminine energy in your life then, I urge you to celebrate Beltane. This can help you to acknowledge the incredibly prolific energy that nature possesses at this time of year and to forge a more profound, meaningful bond with nature. I really believe that we may become more sensitive to nature and have a sense of grounding in our daily lives by acknowledging and celebrating the minute changes in the planet's natural rhythms.
Nature is able to reproduce itself in an astonishing way that is both spectacular and lovely. It's crucial to respect the strength that nature possesses since it is a power that we, as humans, also possess. A tremendous time to recognize and celebrate the fertility that is innate in all life is right now, when the Earth is brimming with fertile energy.
Beltane Themes🔥🌸
Purifying Your Energy, Blessing, Cleansing, Luck, Protection, Fertility, Wishing
Celebrating Return of the Sun, Mayday, Fertility Festival
Herbs and Plants
Honeysuckle, St. John’s Wort, Mint, Hawthorn, All Flowers
Stones and Crystals
Emerald, Fire Agate, Malachite, Carnelian, Sapphire, Aventurine, Tiger’s Eye, Garnet
Frankincense, Rose, Lilac
Soft Blue, Yellow, Red, White, Green
Maypole, Ribbons, Bonfire, Fire, Bead and Flower Strings, Garlands
Things to Do
Dance, Enjoy Pleasure, Handfast, Make Flower Crowns, Have a Bonfire
Blessed May Day & Stellar Planning🌸🔥✨
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